Getting rid of dandruff before the wedding day

Dandruff presents itself like some skin particles, which result from eliminating the superficial layers of the epidermis. Dandruff in most of the finest shapes is like an uncovering of the dead cells of the skin scalp.

The problem is that it confers an unhealthy aspect and it can make you feel bad in public, so it’s necessary to get rid of it as fast as you can, especially if the big day, the wedding day approaches.

getting rid of dandruff before the wedding day

There are a series of treatments for removing this inconvenient, which is the dandruff in your hair.

Accordingly to how much time you have at your disposal, if you want something that has effect over the night or if you’re willing to follow a treatment, how many much you spend for a treatment against dandruff, the type of skin or hair, you’re going to see the effects coming.
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If you have serious problems, in case some shampoos or usual remedies don’t offer a result, so then you have to go to the dermatologist to prescribe you a treatment.

The treatment of the clinical shapes of dandruff is based first of all on active antibiotics.

If you want to use teas you can opt for one made of burdock. It’s made of a composition of 3 or 4 teaspoons of burdock roots, 3 or 4 leafs of birch mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar at one liter of water. All of these boil together around 20 minutes, then you take them off the fire and leave the decoct covered for 30 minutes. You clean the water and you make local massages after the scalp skin has been washed with warm water and soap. It prevents the falling of the hair and it stimulates the growth. It fights against dandruff.

If you have in your household some ingredients you can try a good mixture. You mix the juice of half a lemon and two teaspoons of olive oil or almonds. You massage the scalp skin and you then wash abundantly.

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In pharmacies and in the cosmetics on the market you can find efficient products with a visible effect over a short time.

The medical shampoos contain different compounds that give away the sensation of rash associated in most of the cases with dandruff. If you use products that have at their basis gudron, it’s important to use a solution and a special balm for removing almost entirely the smell.

In most of the cases dandruff has as source stress and intoxication of the organism with full of Es aliments. An efficient treatment and definite can’t be said for sure, but dandruff can be improved in the sense that you kind of get rid of it, but not totally!