Different colored bridesmaid dresses for my girls

Do you believe that clothing your girls in the same color of bridesmaid dresses is too conventional? Well then, you should go for different colored bridesmaid dresses. It will really be something innovating and different and thus you could try it only if you are ready to stand out.
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However, you should know that if you want to change something you should stick just to one element and it would be preferable if it were the shade. Why? Well, otherwise your girls will no longer look like bridesmaids, but they will seem more like ordinary guests at your party. So, it would be better to stick just to the color, when it comes to differences.

Different colored bridesmaid dresses for my girlsCredit
Different colored bridesmaid dresses for my girls

If you have a wedding theme; for instance flowers; their dresses should portray the theme, i.e. some flowers should be used as the main design of their dresses, while the colors should differ. The more passionate one may wear red, while the timid one could have something blue, whereas the princess like one will definitely sport a pink bridesmaid gown.

But, it is not mandatory that you pick the colors of these dresses according to their personalities. It would be perfectly normal if you would choose the colors of your wedding (in case you have more than one or two). In this way they will fit the theme and colors of your wedding like a glove, fact that would totally be unique.

Different colored bridesmaid dresses for my girlsCredit
Different colored bridesmaid dresses for my girls

Anyway, some of you might refuse to adopt this choice, simply because you have a rather traditional and conventional idea of the perfect wedding ceremony. But, this thing is normal and cool, because every wedding idea is right as long as it will represent you, your beliefs and preferences. In short, you should not rush to buy different colors of bridesmaid dresses juts because we have mentioned it as a great idea. You could stick to your own opinions, if these would make you feel happy.

So, be courageous and try something new, as far as this thing goes. You will see that this idea will prove to be great and that it will mingle beautifully among the other wedding elements.