Wedding reception decoration

In case you were looking for wedding reception decoration examples then it means that you’re in thr right place and at the right time. we’re sure that you feel enchanted when it comes to such examples and suggestions because you want to know all the new stuff possible and maybe end up with some examples that are going to be very helpful in the big day!

So, we have here some interesting examples to share with you and that are really gorgeous looking in the same time, these will definitely seem useful when it comes to the wedding day and the wedding reception.

In case you want to go on the classical white and adapt almost all your examples and details to this theme and taste then it means that you’re going to love a touch of color on the table.

wedding reception decoration

And what exactly do we mean when we refer to such details? Well, how about a flower arrangement that is made with the help of bright colors like pink and green blended in a gorgeous manner together? Well, it sounds pretty nice and we’re sure that you’re going to find this idea interesting in the same time. Make sure that you make a flower arrangement that keeps the same minimalist theme and in this way you’re going to end up being successful. We’re thinking about a flower arrangement made of peonies and combined with “fluffy” flowers that have consistent buds. Indeed a gorgeous combination and it’s really interesting in the same time.
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There’s the next wedding reception decoration that we want to mention about and this one is realized with the help of multicolored flowers that are placed in gorgeous looking vases.

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We’re thinking of a cylindrical vase that has a silver tone and the flowers used in it are of different types, species and different colors. Let’s also mention that you can apply for adding some candles in the middle side of the tables and in the end you’re going to end up with something really interesting. Also, we totally recommend this wedding reception decoration for an open air wedding, it offers extra effect to all the green stuff around you and this is definitely something interesting to apply for….

Last, but not least, we thought it would be a really nice idea to take into account an open air wedding that has interesting wedding reception decorations that are going to leave you speechless. So, we’re thinking of round tables and small in the same time, these have white table covers on them and with green napkins.

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The centerpieces are composed of glass vases which are filled with roses and other gorgeous looking flowers. The chairs are black, especially to realize that effect of white- black combination.