The spherical bouquet

We promised to get back with other models of bouquets and we’re here presenting you the spherical model. This accessory looks great and most of the times it is composed by a single species of flowers in order to create the impression of unity.

the spherical bouquet

Let’s also mention that it is used most of the times by the maids of honor or in different floral arrangements in the salon, but it can be used by the bride too. This kind of bouquet permits you to place a hanger made of pearls or delicate fabrics. So here we start our list of such ornaments….
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The first bouquet is made of different types of flowers, like: roses, peonies, daisies or carnations. These flowers have totally different colors and look really interesting together. Let’s also mention that here and there you can see some green and fresh leaves that simply burst from the bouquet. You can adopt this bouquet if you’re a maid of honor or put it on a chair in the salon.

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Here’s a marvelous looking bouquet made entirely of roses, but different colored ones. There is a nice combination of white, yellow, orange and pink roses, which cope together into creating a good looking accessory. This bouquet can be adopted by the bride, because it really looks exquisite and it denotes great taste also. Don’t get us wrong with the last thing we’ve said! We only want to highlight de fact that the bride deserves the best and it’s demonstrated by this accessory. Also somewhere in this bouquet you may put a piece of lace that resembles with bride’s dress and the image is completed.

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Another interesting model of bouquet is made entirely of roses, and we’re speaking of pink ones. This combination creates a unitary image and you can observe here and there some green parts at the basis of the buds. Another great looking model, it looks like a flower ball, is made entirely of chrysanthemum flowers in yellow-green nuance. All these flowers mixed together look magnificent and also have an interesting look in the way these are gathered and form a perfect sphere.

The last idea regards another spherical bouquet made of roses, but not any kind of roses: yellow roses that have red nuance on the margins of the petals. These flowers are combined together and create a marvelous accessory. You can put an orange ribbon in order to complete its aspect. Let’s also mention that all these flowers go really great and also the colors combined are in a perfect match.

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So, we continued with a bunch of bouquets that may interest you too, especially for the maids of honor or the salon, but as you can see these can be used by the brides too; it only depends on the flowers it is composed of and how these are combined together. A bride needs a great looking bouquet, made of pretty flowers and the bouquet needs also to match the bride’s dress.