
Shampoos, balms, hairstyling products, different assets, there is a large range of products, accessories and contrary advices that create a mess in one`s mind and doesn`t know how to take care of his or her hair…

In order to make clear some things specialists come and give the best advices, so when it comes to hair they have divided this section into 3 parts. The first part is addressed to curly hair, this type of hair need to be hydrated to mild the rebel curves and make is aspect more healthier day by day; another thing that should be considered is the natural aspect, so the people that have this type of hair need to let it to dry by itself, without mechanical interventions, this being done the hair becomes straighter. You can arrange your hair only by applying cream or gel with your tip fingers creating the curly aspects of the lock of hair. In the end, it is indicated to use the hair dryer only a few seconds, but using the cold air, use a lotion that makes your hair shine and apply it also with the fingers!

The next category is dedicated to the degraded hair… here you can also find some tips! One tip is to let your hair dry by itself as often as you can, you must avoid the contact between this type of hair and the hair dryer, but if you are in a rush and need to dry it quickly you must keep the instrument as far as you can from your hair! Hair balms may give your hair back its elasticity; create a balance between the need of hydration and that of proteins with treatments and products for hairstyling, especially created for this kind of hair.

If you have hair with no volume, you surely belong to the third category! Try as much as you can to use shampoo and balm for volume and hair wax and in the end some hairspray to define your hairdo! You must avoid products that diminish the volume. You can obtain a nice volume put it over the back side and play with your fingers through it, do this thing when you dry it! To create beautiful curls you may also use curlers or round cones. The color is a thing that values your hair, try to dye some hair locks and surely the volume you want will be immediately created!

If you want to have a rich hair you can easily go to a hair salon, some treatments are especially created to make your hair look healthier and beautiful. You can plan several appointments in a week if you want to obtain great results. Volume can be obtained if the cut is made in a “stair” form…

There are many variants and if you don’t have money to go to a salon, this peace of advice will give you great help!