Makeup for green eyes 2

Our pieces of advice concerning the makeup that is appropriate for your green eyes didn’t end in our last article. As a matter of fact, we’ve got some other suggestions that we hope you take into consideration and we’re sure that you’re going to like them pretty much.

Please take into account all the articles that were written on this subject and try them even if you’re playing. See what makeup style suits your personality the most and try these for different events. You’re going to end up with a really great looking aspect and we’re sure that you’re going to remain amazed in what concerns the look obtained.

Try a light tone of makeup foundation, one really similar to your natural color tone. The next thing that you should do is to take grey eyeliner and a faded tone of eye shadow and mascara. These are the products that are essentially needed for your eyes.
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Highlight your eyes with the help of the grey eyeliner, use it around the eyelids and contour them in a very pleasant manner. As for the eye shadow, use the faded eye shadow on the superior eye lid, just underneath the arcade. The last touch should be offered by the mascara, add mascara on the superior and on the inferior eyelashes as well. Indeed a nice combination of details and we’re sure that the effect is stunning.

The lips should remain as nude as possible, use a transparent tone of lip gloss, not too shiny or simply a lip balm in order to make your lips look healthy and shiny in the same time.

Here’s how we end up with presenting you a sexy makeup style for green eyes and that could definitely be used during the night time.

So, apply for brown eyeliner and deep taupe eye shadow. This is an exquisite combination of color tones and it will definitely make you look sexy and extravagant in the same time. First of all, you should try to use a darker tone of makeup foundation on your face and some bronzer: green eyes always go great with bronzed skin! Add brown eyeliner all around your eyes in order to highlight them in a pleasant manner.

The next thing we want to mention about related to the usage of the taupe eye shadow, which needs to be applied all around your eyes and in order to highlight them more and more. As for the mascara that you can use, you can apply for a purple tone of mascara- this will definitely make you look interesting and on the lips add a pink tone of lip gloss, it’s great looking in combination with the intense look of the eyes.