Wedding Planning – Tenth Step – Relax

If you have followed the other ninth steps of the wedding planning, we have presented so far, it means that you are done with the wedding preparations. Well, after this process there will commence the relaxation mood. It means that you will have to detach from the wedding, to think about your beautiful honeymoon, so that you can be fresh at your wedding ceremony.
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I know that some of you might think that this step is not necessary. But believe us, a week or two away from the stress will be enough for you to recharge your batteries and to be able to enjoy your nuptials. If you will skip this process, you won’t be excited to party at your wedding, on the contrary, you will feel tired, you will be stressed and you will desire that everything will come to an end. So, why should you spoil the beauty of the most important day of your life?

Wedding Planning - Tenth Step - RelaxCredit
Wedding Planning - Tenth Step - Relax

Our advice would be for you to do whatever pleases yourselves: do some sports, run, play football, volleyball. Whatever it is that works for you, then you should do it, so that at your wedding day you will look pleased, happy and why not; fit. If you don’t like doing sport, then you should relax by watching some movies or taking long walks. These help too, you will see that the fresh air will bring a whole new perspective.

Another thing that we should warn you about is that the new status will seem overwhelming for some of you. This is a huge step, with new: commitments, plans, and promises; therefore, you should think about this, in order to get used to the idea. In case you are too committed to your life as a bachelor, maybe you should talk to a psychiatrist. Sometimes, it helps to talk with a specialist and to be reassured by this person that this process is normal and that everything will be all right. Anyway, in case you don’t want to go the psychiatrist, here you may find a funny story of a man that had weddings phobia. This reading will be good, because it will relax you and will help you see that weddings are not to be feared.

If there are still another things that need to be fixed, well you should trust that your parents, friends and closest relatives will take care of the unsolved things. This break will be beneficial for both of you, because for the first time in the last months, you will be able to do and think about other things than the wedding. But, if you want to make sure that everything is being taken care of, then you could talk on the phone with your family and friends.

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Wedding Planning - Tenth Step - Relax

The reason why we put so much emphasis on the relaxation stage is due to the fact that you must have a great emotional state on your wedding day. If you will commence your day with a high level of stress, then you surely won’t finish the night in a great mood. Thus, don’t let the stress and emotions get to you. Just, try to be a nice host, smile and enjoy your wedding day, because it is likely to be the last time you will organize something like this.

Also, it is important to seek relaxation through sports, because due to the wedding stress and to the irregular schedule your body might have suffered several changes. Yes, we know that you have tried your best to maintain your beautiful figure, but it is not your fault if your body does not respond well to stress. So, you should start jogging or doing another sport, in order to regain your beautiful figure, before the wedding day. You could even go to the gym, in case the situation is worse than you expected. In this way, you will surely look amazing and feel wonderful in your wedding day. Anyway, here you can find a perfect gym for your needs, in case you are from London.

But, if you were to think this process from another angle, you would realize that this is something you deserve. After all, until now you have been busy envisioning the perfect wedding ceremony and then you have done your best, in order to comply with a tight budget, to find the ideal location, to set the date and to send the invitation, to hire a wedding planner who helped you when times got rough, to buy and to negotiate the wedding items, to create your wedding team with your bridesmaids and groomsmen and finally to make sure that everything is perfect. So, as far as we are concerned, relaxation is really the next step that you must take.

Wedding Planning - Tenth Step - RelaxCredit
Wedding Planning - Tenth Step - Relax

In addition to this, you should let somebody else in charge and you should take your groom to be and enjoy some time away from this crazy thing called wedding. Nobody will blame you for doing this. In fact, they might feel relieved, because thus they will be able to carry on with their tasks without your constant observation.

In short, the tenth and the last step of the wedding planning, is all about your time off and your way to relax. As you can see, there are plenty methods of undertaking this process: do some sports, talk to one each other, see a psychiatrist, read some books, watch some movies, but there is only one technique that will be perfect for you. So find it and indulge yourselves with it.