Pinterest Weddings

Pinterest Wedding Guides: Create your dream wedding today!

Pinterest Wedding Guides: Create your dream wedding today!

What is your idea of your dream wedding? Every woman does it, they picture the dress, the colors, the venue, the people, and just how beautiful they want that special day to be. So, what if there was a way to express these ideas on your own personal board and webpage, with various ideas to keep you on track for planning your big day? That’s where the infamous site Pinterest comes in. Pinterest wedding guides are the latest trend in wedding planning, even for those who are not engaged yet (hey a girl can dream, right?)

Pinterest Weddings

So how does it work? It is fairly simple.

  1. Go to Pinterest to create your FREE account.
  2. You will see all types of boards to create. Many people use one board for wedding planning, but if you strictly are using Pinterest for wedding planning, try putting a category for each board. Here are some examples for wedding board categories: Wedding Hair Styles, Wedding Dresses, Wedding Cakes
  3. Where to get your ideas? You can get them anywhere from the web. If you type in wedding dresses, you will get a large amount of results. Any  ideas you see, you can ‘Pin it’ to your board just from saving the image.   Additionally, if you want to work within Pinterest, you can use the search box in the left corner of the page to search other boards. Now you can ‘Follow’ these boards, and always be able to refer to them for ideas. To see some great ideas for your Pinterest wedding guides, see the wedding boards Pinterest has to offer.

wedding inspiration pinterest

 So instead of keeping all these ideas to yourself, it helps to put them somewhere you can really vision what you want your big day to look like. Instead of describing the color scheme you want, you can print it out and show it to everyone who is a part of your wedding planning. Pinterest wedding guides are easy to create, accessible anywhere, and full of ideas to make every step of your wedding plan an easy one.

If you have any questions or need any wedding advice please feel free to contact us for more great wedding ideas!