Find the perfect wedding favors

I am sure that you want your guests to remember your wedding, and besides the music, the menu, the wedding cake that certainly they loved, a good way to show your gratitude for the guests is that you can delight them with some very original wedding favors. These traditions of giving wedding favors have become a part of wedding reception especially in United States and Canada.This tradition was in vogue in the early in the early nineteen century, at the weddings of people of great social significance.

The most common and used are the candles, photo albums, scented soaps, sugared almonds and many others. But let’s try to find something more original that all these traditional and classic  favors, and I first thought in a personalized wood fan like this one below. You can personalize it by putting a picture with you from the wedding or a picture with you and the other wedding guests.

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Wedding favors

Electronics play a big part in our lives and almost everyone has a computer today, so we can give something related to this, for example a heart – shaped USB .
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It is  possible to customize by printing your names and the event date.

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Wedding favors

If you want something more excitement, you can choose this bubble maker, which may be heart shaped, pigeon shaped and many others.

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Wedding favors

What about the customized cans filled of coffee or tea? The cans can be personalized with a picture of you and the groom and the event date.

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Wedding favors

Another very nice wedding favors could be this one: bookmarks and butterfly – shaped keychain. Is an elegant gift and you can found it in different colors.

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Wedding favors

Personalized magnets, wedding figurines, purses, towels, glass and ceramics, pens, notebooks can also be a good idea as wedding favors.