Should You Have Your Wedding At Home Or Abroad?

Planning a wedding can be one of the most exciting ventures of your life, and is something many women and some men dream of their entire lifetime. There can be a huge number of things to consider when it comes to planning a wedding and more often than not, the destination is one of the biggest – and cost being a close second. Here, we’re taking a look at the benefits and drawbacks of having your wedding abroad, as opposed to having your wedding at home.

Visas & Documentation

If you’re considering having your wedding abroad, there are numerous types of documents that you will need to have completed prior to jumping on the flight to your chosen destination. While some far-flung destinations can offer a great number of benefits in terms of the pictures, and being able to have your honeymoon in the same destination, arranging all of the relevant visas to travel, the licenses to get married and any additional insurance can be far more complicated than you may first believe. While if you’re choosing to get married in Europe, all you may need to do is arrange your European Health Card Renewal and be on your way. In some countries, getting married abroad may not even mean you are legally married when you return home, even if you have the appropriate documentation, and all of this will need to be considered if you are looking to have your wedding abroad.


While many people tend to believe that getting married abroad can cost a lot more than staying at home, weddings in the UK actually cost £20,500 on average according to a report by FairFX. In fact, the report stated that the only country that is more expensive on average is, unsurprisingly, a result of the lavish weddings held in the United Arab Emirates. There are a number of bargain wedding destinations that can be held in exotic and far-flung destinations, such as Fiji, Seychelles, Malaysia, and others. This is as a result of the currency fluctuations that occurred due to Brexit.


If you’re looking for awe-inspiring and jealousy-inducing photographs from your wedding, then choosing a far-flung destination can provide you with the pictures you always dreamed of. Whether you choose to head abroad as a small group, or your entire extended families will be there, you are certain to enjoy a number of beautiful photographs on your special day.

Number Of Attendees

One of the biggest reasons why people choose to marry in the UK is so all of their extended family can attend the wedding. If you’re looking to get married abroad, then you may find that only a few of your closest family members and friends can attend, and for those looking for their fairy-tale big wedding, this isn’t always the best outcome. Prior to booking your dream wedding abroad, it may be worthwhile checking with all of your family and friends whether they can afford the flights and hotel stays, and are able to book the time off of work and school to attend.