Personalized wedding details 3

So, personalizing your wedding isn’t a hard thing at all and we’re certain that you’ve got some general ideas in what concerns this aspect. We were speaking about candles and candlesticks and how to blend them with flower arrangements and flowers basically.

If you apply for a crown made of flowers and in its middle part you can apply for adding a candle and you can be certain that the effect is guaranteed. Also, you can adorn the entrance with candles arranging them on the stairs or on the external side of the red carpet.

The chairs are also important to be taken into account, they’re arched and they follow attentively the shape of the furniture.

Even if it’s a period of economical crisis, it seems that the couples have a tendency towards expensive stuff and they’re expecting many things from their wedding day in what concerns the aspect. The precious fabrics like brocade or the accessories, such as a scarf, a butterfly or ostrich feathers. All of these are really popular and you know that they cost pretty much.
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The menu that you apply for in the wedding day is accordingly to the theme that you choose there isn’t a particular dish that is served too much. In order to have a rustic dish, you can apply for a hunter dish, steaks with vegetables and different sauces.

The glamour wedding has a really refined menu with all kinds of interesting dishes and food; this type of menu looks elaborated and it is elaborated, in small quantities and some special foods that are from abroad and that will definitely carry your guests in a petit gastronomic vacation. There’s the caviar, truffles and salmon are really used in this type of menu.

Also, you can apply for an international menu, with all kinds of foods and you can make your guests wonder of your capacities and imagination. If you’ve applied for a wedding that has as main theme a marine one you can definitely apply for different species of fish and Mediterranean foods….

The last aspect that we want to take into consideration relates to the cake. In what concerns this particular aspect, we would only like to mention that you have where to choose from.

What seem to be the most popular wedding cakes? Well, these are definitely those covered with chocolate, white marzipan or with different patterns that are made accordingly to the main theme of the wedding.

In case you’ve decided on a white wedding cake in a round shape with pearl decorations and of marzipan we totally think that you can adapt it perfectly to a vintage wedding.

There’s also the glamour wedding that needs to be taken into account and this time you can apply for adorning the cake with Swarovski stones and precious or semi precious stones. Last but not least are the flower insertions that haven’t been omitted in this year as well….