7 Popular Bridal Shower Games

Unlike the noisily crazy Bachelorette party somewhere in a bar, club or hotel abroad, Bridal Shower is a comfortable event which takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. But this does not mean that Bridal Shower is something boring. Bridal Shower is a good reason for a gathering with best friends and talking about men, enjoying delicious treats, laughing and playing games. Buy the way, we have for you 7 popular bridal shower games.

Feed me!

We believe that this is the ideal Bridal Shower game, which is very easy and funny. You will only need what is on your Bridal Shower table, namely salads, snacks or others treats. The leader ties each participant’s eyes and then gives them spoons and plates with food. The task is to feed your couple and try to do it as carefully as it possible. The team that will eat faster and will stay cleaner will win.

Pour in it carefully!

In this game, the participants are blindfolded again. They should carefully pour water from one glass into the other one, using a straw for a cocktail. And don’t spill a drop! You can use not only water but also any other drink according to what you have.

Let’s compose the history of the bride!

Your invited friends probably remember some special stories from your childhood or school year. Propose them to talk about these stories! Or better to write every story on a paper in several sentences. And then read all the memories aloud. You will get an interesting common story which can be sold at the wedding auction.

Say «Goodbye» to the past!

The bride and her friends can participate in this competition. For sure every one of you wants to forget about something or change something in your life. A leader gives a list of paper and markers to participants. Everyone writes down the things-to-say-goodbye: names of ex-boyfriends, past mistakes or doubts. Read the paper out loud then burn it and let the ashes down the wind.

Recognize my girlfriends!

For this game brides’ friends need to bring their own children’s photos. The bride should look at each photo and determine who is pictured in it.

Bingo quest!

This interesting game involves all your guests. Everyone will enjoy it. Read the task on the infographic below.

What is in your purse?

What secrets a woman’s handbag hides? This game will help to expose all of them. Look at the infographic below.


If you want to read more infographics like the ones above, check out this link: http://www.weddingforward.com/best-bridal-shower-games/

What else can you do to cheer up the Bridal Shower guests?

Good music, tasty food, small gifts for your friends. It can be a souvenir which symbolizes a wedding or your friendship.

But for sure, if you want to make your Bridal Shower perfect, it is necessary to start preparing for it in advance. Our infographic helps you to plan everything correctly and don’t forget about something important. It is equally suitable for both a bridal shower and a Bachelorette Party.