Accessories for the wedding cake

The wedding cake is one of the most important things that a wedding should have! There was a topic regarding it, but its accessories haven`t been taken into consideration. Here are some suggestions regarding the accessories for the wedding cake, these are some funny little things, which go on top of the cake, or simply remind the guests the role of holly matrimony and put a smile on their faces!


One beginning suggestion regards to miniature of the bride and groom, the bride`s on top of the final layer and the groom in miniature can be placed on one side of this layer, like in a scene where the groom wants to approach the bride, his place is near her! These miniatures can be placed also in other positions: the mini groom on top of the final layer and the bride placed on the layer under the final one and the bride tries to reach her groom! The couple in miniature can be also put in a small car with a “Just Married” tag, like the couple looks after the wedding is finished, with those cans put in back of the car!

A funny image can be when the bride pinches the grooms` posterior! It will be certainly funny if you choose to place such a miniature on top of your wedding cake! Speaking of funny miniatures, another one can be a reunited couple trying to play soccer; the groom with a ball in his hand and the bride in his back! The movie “007” can be certainly a motif of inspiration! What can be funnier than a rough couple with guns in their hands, like “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”!

What can be more romantic than a picture of you two placed in a heart and surrounded by flowers? This heart can be simply placed on top of the cake and you can keep it after the cake is eaten!


Cartoons can also be a source of inspiration! If you`re a couple that enjoy life and have a romantic immature side, you can apply for some miniatures from cartoons and place them on top of the cake!

A simple miniature in which the couple is kissing is a wonderful idea for a minimalist cake, and if you place a white rose near the figurines! Another suggestion can be represented by the couple under an arch of white flowers!

A symbolic sign can also be a marvelous idea: some rounded shapes that form a heart and a couple not very well defined of strange shapes! It`s an extravagant idea and also interesting in the same time! Speaking of non defined things, a non defined couple can be ideal, the idea of couple can be given, but the faces and features are shown in vague form!


The wedding cake is such an important asset of the wedding! It should be accessorized as the bride and groom are, in order to look great! You can apply to your imagination in this case and certainly you won`t fail!