Who escorts the bride at second wedding?

My father has been deceased for 7 years. At my first wedding my uncle escorted me down the aisle. He will be unable to attend my wedding this time. I thought about having my fiance’s youngest son who is 16 escort me down the aisle. Is this appropriate or should I walk alone since this is my second marriage?

Donna, Wedding Queen, President; Top Wedding Sites

Check out this page: http://idotaketwo.co…tte_advice.html

There is an article called “Who will give the bride away?”


I went to the website suggested and after reading it became insulted. I realize this is simply etiquette suggestions but this is your second wedding for whatever reason. You should have whatever you wish. My Father was not around to walk me down the aisle. He will be walking me down the aisle. I would say that whomever you wish to walk you down the aisle, have them. It is YOUR wedding! Times are changing. What once was is no longer. Maybe its time for new traditions….meaning YOURS. I think the thought of having his son walk you down the aisle is wonderful. It shows that he has accepted you into his life. My son is 14 and the thought of him walking me down the aisle had come to mind as well. Etiquette or no etiquette remember this is YOUR day. Good Luck on your special day!

Donna, Wedding Queen, President; Top Wedding Sites


I’m not sure what you found insulting about that article since it does not suggest that your father cannot escort you down the aisle for a second wedding.


For second wedding etiquette advice there is more to consider at different stages, and this is where creative thinking can have a freer reign. For example, have you decided who will give the bride away? There are brides who do not believe they have to be ‘given away’ a second time. Some prefer to be ‘escorted’ or ‘accompanied’ down the aisle, and make their choice accordingly. Other brides decide to walk by themselves.

The Father of the Bride at a first wedding is a most significant figure! After all, he is usually the host, and secondly he has the very important job of escorting his daughter down the aisle. A father might be only too pleased to repeat his performance, but what if a father refuses to do it “a second time?” Try not to be too distressed, and remember there is great flexibility about who can do this. A friend, child or other relative who would like to be there for you, is preferable to a father who, for his own reasons, doesn’t care to give the bride away.

Read the rest of this article here.

Again, I don’t find anywhere in this article that says your father cannot walk you.

However, your view on etiquette is your opinion. If you choose to follow what is widely considered to be socially acceptable or not is your choice. Keep i mind that your “my day, my way) philosophy could cause some serious hurt feelings and issues in relationships with family members and friends. Good manners includes always considering our guests feelings as well as our own.

When we are asked specifically for etiquette advice on this forum, we answer with what is considered to be socailly acceptable behavior as per modern day times. Emily Post, the worlds foremost expert on etiquette, has just come out with her newest book of etiquette this year and it is all up to date.

Thank you for your opinion.

Rebecca Black, Etiquette By Rebecca

I completely agree with the Wedding Queen. I reread the article and can’t find anything insulting or suggestive that an encore bride can’t have her father walk her down the aisle. Actually, I found it quite pleasant to find another etiquette professional stating that women ‘are not given’.

Shunning etiquette is your choice, but please remember that etiquette is basically the protocol we all use in a certain situation. It is what those around us consider civilized behavior. If the bride is to forego accepted behavior, she could end up in one of those ‘bridezilla’ articles. None of us would want that, but of course this a personal choice.