Choose to be unique through a minimalist wedding cake

Well, for those that aren’t into the pompous stuff or those modern things we have some suggestions of minimalist wedding cakes that look really nice and at the same time, are affordable and easy to obtain.
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We’re going to present to you some minimalist wedding cakes that we’re sure you’re going to enjoy pretty much and let’s mention that these are a good option for those that want something indeed special. Sometimes simplicity and humble things are appreciated more than something really pompous and exaggerated.

We start with a three layered cake that has every layer composed of a cube. This cake has a black background and you can observe big dots on it made in different tones of blue.

minimalist wedding cakes

These dots surround the cake all around every layer and the superior side isn’t covered. Quite an amazing looking model and don’t forget that it’s minimalist! We’re sure that this can’t be compared with something that you’ve ever seen before.

We continue with a small cake made only of one layer, which is round. This particular cake is white and round and you can observe nice details on it, as if you’re watching an architectural show.

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In case you think this cake is really small then you can apply for several layers that are made in the same manner as the one presented here, think of these placed one on top of the other. Quite a great idea, isn’t it? oh, and if you don’t like the idea of a white cake then you can always apply for another cake as long as it’s not that bright! Don’t forget you want to be minimalistic!

Here’s another great looking minimalist wedding cake that is also white, but different from the other.

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This one is designed in three different round layers that are made in different sizes. You can observe on one side of this cake some black details made of chocolate probable, these seem to imitate some branches and in the middle of these details you can observe an orange flower that intervenes and seems to break the entire minimalist image of this wedding cake. Quite some great combinations if we come to think of it and these look great in the same time.

We promise that our examples don’t end here and that we’re going to get back with some other examples in the future, so that you have where to inspire yourself!