Nowadays having a perfect wedding photo album is essential in order for the entire ceremony to remain memorable. Not only do you keep it for yourself, but in the same time you have to share it with the attendants as well as the family.
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The basic rule for having a successful wedding photo album is to apply for a good photographer who knows what he’s doing. This is why you have to know there are some things that will seem useful in the moment in which you decide to hire a wedding photographer and in the same time, you can do some helpful things as well, in order to end up with successful pictures of this event.
Let’s start with the light and the background, shall we?
These are essential elements in order that you end up with some really gorgeous pictures, ones that aren’t taken by an amateur. In the moment in which you decide to apply for a particular photographer make sure that you ask him/her to bring some previous photos, so that you can observe and admire all their qualities.
Don’t forget that in a wedding reception and not only, the central characters involved are the bride and groom, so they have to appear mainly in the picture. For this matter, you have to avoid every type of background that might distract the attention of the one viewing/observing the picture.
The angles are really important as well and you shouldn’t be surprised if the photographer will jump from a place to another, if he stands somewhere on the floor or he might climb even a tree. You know very well the dull pictures that are taken in weddings, yours have to be special and different, remember? For this matter, the photographer has to make some sacrifices so that everything is just the way you wanted.
In what concerns the lights, the natural ones of course, you have to know that the most appropriate time for taking pictures is in an hour or two before the sunset. This is when your wedding photographer ought to take the best pictures. The most important thing that you should know concerning pictures taken in a closed space is the fact that you should avoid artificial light and we definitely push you to apply for a room that has wide windows.
Don’t forget to stand still, but don’t look too still as you’re taking your pictures
The position is of your body is essential in your wedding photo album. So, you have to stand still, your shoulders have to be in the back side, the gravity center has to be on one leg and your chin has to be somewhere towards the left, stand still and hold your breath. All these things will be told by your wedding photographer and each one has its own explanation and meaning.
While you hold your chin up the small fat area under it will be removed. If your elbows are far away from your body, the bust will be emphasized more and the weight will be placed on the leg that you place in the front side – this will accentuate your body shapes pretty much. These are not the only tricks that your wedding photographer will offer – the main thing is to listen to them.
Now, we jump to the photo session that takes place before the bridal day – we omitted to mention about it
The photos that you have observed in all the magazines related to weddings…. We know, you all love them, but do you have any idea just how difficult is to realize them? It takes lots of time to make them and let’s add that they are chosen among hundreds of attempts and hours that are spent in the studio.
We recommend you to have such a photo shoot, it can be really entertaining and in the same time it prepares you for the wedding photo album session and in the same time you get accustomed with the photographer and you feel more as a model. In addition, the wedding photographer will already know for the bridal day whether or not the angles are suitable and what you want from your wedding photo album to look like.
The most important thing in the photo shoot of your bridal day is to show a little bit of your personality in it. For this matter, you have to discuss some of your expectations with your wedding photographer and tell him what you expect from your album – what do you want to express, in what postures do you imagine yourself and in the same time what does he/she see you looking like.