Guide for wedding manners 2

Here’s how we continue with presenting you some ideas concerning the manner in which you have to behave at the wedding, not you as a guest, but you as the bride or the groom. These details are really important and you have to take them into account because you definitely have to end up with a gorgeous ceremony.

guide for wedding manners 2

The order in which the events take place at the salon are these ones

  • Receiving every guest that arrives at the wedding by the bride and the groom with a glass of champagne and eventually some sweets.
  • saying hi to the guests, but this time we push the parents of the couple to do it
  • in some places in this entire world there are some prays told at the beginning of the ceremony
  • Serving the drinks that serve as appetizers.
  • Serving the first type of food
  • Opening the party by the groom with the very well known first dance
  • The mother son dance
  • The father girl dance
  • Different other dances
  • Serving the other types of food
  • Robbing the bride
  • Bringing and cutting the cake
  • During the cake is being served the couple together with the godfather and every guest is invited with a cup of champagne. In this moment the gifts can be offered to the couples by the guests.
  • After the cake, we think that tossing the bouquet is another important detail and element during the wedding and taking off the garter by the groom
  • Taking of the veil and the bride’s dance
  • guide for wedding manners 2 2

All these elements indicate the fact that some traditions and customs can be encountered globally and we’re going to make a joke now- are wedding globalized as well? Definitely you can be certain that there are some traditions that are seen as patterns and clichés and we sincerely have a personal envy for those attending to many weddings, because they definitely know every custom and tradition and they know the order in which they happen. Also, they have to know some other elements, like some new arrivals in weddings and details….

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We’re certain that you’re going to enjoy reading about these details and we’re certain that you’re going to find this guide pretty useful. We know that you know many things concerning weddings and ceremonies, but one thing is known for sure…. When you have all those stuff on your head you won’t know what needs to be done next and you’re going to have a messy head! Good luck in organizing the ideas in your head!