Taking care of your body during the cold seasons

Well, the cold season isn`t even in its half, so we must try to protect ourselves from it as much as we can. It has often happened to every one of us, when we went outside and entered the warm house again to feel a sensation of burn on our lips. What do we do in this situation? Well, lips also need to be hydrated especially in the extreme seasons, like winter and summer, and it is better to use a transparent lip balm that moistures the affected lips!

The skin is also affected during the cold season, it doesn`t breathe enough because you use consistent peaces of clothing and surely it won`t get tanned! In this case use moisture to hydrate your skin, accordingly to what type of skin you have, be it dry, or consistent! A hydrating cream will always help your skin get the elements it wants. Apply it after you`ve done a shower or a bath, your skin will certainly look like in summertime!

When it snows outside it`s just wonderful to admire the view from your households, but you simply can`t go out, because you see how cold it is! In extreme situations you must go outside and when you`re there you`ll probably think of a hot bath! Well, it`s not a bad idea to do one after you come from outside, you`ll certainly feel like in the sauna, try to use aromatic products, such as bath salt, and many other products…. You`ll get a relaxed sensation after staying a couple of hours in the bath tub!

In this cold period it is also recommended to use exfoliating products to get rid of the dead cells on the surface of your skin! Your skin will certainly look wonderful after you`ve applied these kind of products!

You mustn`t forget to apply a moisture on your complexion also, because in contact with the low temperatures from outside it gets seriously damaged! The cream helps the complexion to get hydrated and to be protected against the cold weather! A mask applied once in while helps your complexion to be clean and makes it look shiny and healthy!

The hands shouldn`t be forgot either! Use for them also a hydrating cream if you don`t use gloves! If you use gloves it`s good to use hand cream! In fact you should use this type of cream during all the year! It helps your hands look great, silky and healthy