Models of Biedermeier bouquets

The bride’s bouquet is really important. The way in which it is realized represents an art and sometimes it’s so perfect that you just can’t imagine how some flowers are put there…. There are several types of bouquets and we’re going to start with presenting you the Biedermeier one. In what does this type consist of?

models of Biedermeier bouquets

Well, it has a round shape and what’s interesting about it is that it contains perfect circular shapes made of the same type of flowers or the same type of colors and from different species of flowers. In the lines to come we’re going to present you such bouquets that are really interesting and can be used by the brides or the maids of honor….

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We start with such a bouquet made entirely of roses. The roses are in an orange nuance and there are three rows of such flowers. You can see how the rose buds are placed perfectly in the bouquet and how these cope in creating a marvelous accessory. Here and there in the bouquet you can see small bows made of yellow ribbons.
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At the basis of the bouquet, where the flowers end you can see also some nice arrangements of the leaves, which are really green and look great in the combination with the orange leaves. Also, the bouquet is wrapped around with a yellow ribbon that is in perfect coordination with the yellow bows already mentioned.

We continue with another great looking bouquet, which is a great combination of green and pink flowers. The pink flowers are both roses and clove pink flowers. A row is made of the two flowers combined together and creating a multicolored line. Here and there you can find big white pearls put, which create an interesting visual effect. At the basis of this Biedermeier bouquet there is a layer of ferns, which comes and completes this beautiful accessory.

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The next bouquet is in white-green with faded blue colors. It is made of one layer of white-green roses and another layer of clove pinks in blue nuance. There are two lines of roses and only one consisting of the blue flowers. The bouquet has at the basis some green leaves, really intense and ends with really long strains.

We end for now with another great looking model of bouquet, which is made of three types of flowers. The basic layer is made of orchids, the next of roses and the last, meaning the middle one is made of callas. You can observe just how marvelously these flowers are combined and the basic color is a warm one. You see how the orchids and the calla have similar colors and the roses in the middle seem to be a passage between the two types of flowers and colors.

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As you can see there are numerous models of bouquets and this is only the beginning. We have an amazing list of bouquets and models that will certainly help you when you’re realizing yours. Make sure that the flowers go really well together and the colors too!