Wedding with rose theme 3

Here’s how we continue with the suggestions that concern the wedding with rose theme. We have some other examples for you and we’re sure that you’re going to keep these into account, because it’s really important that you have as many examples as possible.

So, we start with a glass vase that’s made in a very simple manner and that has nothing special about it. Here’s where you come in and make it special! So, fill this vase with lots of roses and flowers and place between the flower buds as many plants as you possibly can. Decide on a particular color on the rose buds and blend this color with one in contrast like orange buds with green plants and so on. Around this vase you can apply for adding an orange ribbon together with a green one. This is a nice combination and it would be a pity for you not to apply for it. This particular vase serves really great as a flower arrangement and it’s really great looking in the same time.

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And speaking about flower arrangements, here’s how we’ve got some other suggestions for you and it would be a pity for you not to apply for them. We continue with another arrangement that consists of a ceramic pot in which you place differently colored roses together with some other flowers that have a really nice aspect and that have a similar chromatic pattern.

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Enough with flower arrangements! We think that it would be really nice to continue with the wedding cake for this particular wedding. Such a wedding cake should definitely have nice patterns on it and you can observe here and there some rose details. You can apply for a white cake with nice patterns on it and here and there you can observe some red roses that can be combined in a very neat manner with the other elements and details.

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How about a bigger wedding cake? Well, it sounds pretty nice and this particular time we’re speaking about a three layered round cake that has between each layer rose buds in pink tone. Also, at the bottom of every layer you can observe a shiny area as if you’ve placed a ribbon around it. on every layer you can also observe some fine pearls that are made of sweet ingredients. All these elements combined together create a nice visual effect and a really interesting view.

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