What should a female groomsman wear?

I am female and my male friend asked me to stand with him at his wedding. The bride and groom don’t know if I should wear something like (or exactly like) the brides maid dresses, or a black dress, to match the tuxedos worn by the other grooms men.

Since they are making so many other decisions they are asking me to choose and I have no idea.

What should a female wear, as a grooms(wo)man, if the other groomsman are male and there are brides maids?

Nancy Tucker

Dear groomswoman,

You should be very proud to have been included in his selection and wear what the guys wear only you can use a skirt if desired. Many tux shops have styles for women also with tux pants.

Rebecca Black, Etiquette By Rebecca

Dear Groomswoman,

Typically you would wear the same clothes as the other women in the wedding party (bridesmaids). However, you would wear the same corsage as the other groomsmen.

Best wishes,