Navy Blue Mother of the Bride Dress

Sophisticated, Navy Blue Mother of the Bride Dresses

Are you the mother of the bride looking for something regal and beautiful to dawn on your daughter’s wedding day? There are so many things to take into consideration before deciding on a dress for the celebration. Chat with the bride, decide on a style and then talk about color choices.

You’ll want to look like the MOB and you don’t want to look like a bridesmaids. You want to blend in with the bridal party but you want to make sure you don’t look like you’re trying to be a part of it. Neutrals always work well, but if you’re itching to add a bit of color into your final look think about a rich shade of blue; navy to be exact.

Take a peek at our sophisticated and gorgeous navy blue finds! Thankfully this shade mixes and molds just as well as black but in a subtle, more romantic way.

Sophisticated, Navy Blue Mother of the Bride Dresses

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressWe are loving the lace, peek-a-boo neckline and the cinched waist on this design.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressYou’ll be sexy and sophisticated in this hot number.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressThis gown has coverage to make you feel comfortable but also a gorgeous and flattering silhouette.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressA great length for warmer months and a beautiful sheen to sparkle in.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressThere is a whimsiness behind this fairy-tale like gown, and we are swooning over it.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressSimple and sweet, this dress can be paired with some personality-filled accessories.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressWe love this traditional and flattering gown for those formal, winter celebrations.

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressThis is another great, traditional choice but it has great flow and movement for the dance floor!

Navy Blue Mother of the Bride DressDon’t be afraid to show off your arms and back in a beautiful gown. This dress has appropriate coverage but still lots of fun sewn in.

photos via Brides