Q: How Can I Ensure Great Wedding Makeup?

Airbrush makeup is a great way to go, as it lasts all darn day and looks fantastic in photographs. If you don’t want airbrush makeup due to budget constraints, use the following tips to look beautiful on your wedding day:

  • Prep: Wash your face and use a light moisturizer to create a soft palette for makeup. Avoid using harsh exfoliants or messing with a blemish. Dab Visine on acne and move on.
  • Choose: Choose makeup that suits your skin’s undertones. For example, if your skin features blue or “cool” undertones, opt for makeup that doesn’t have a lot of yellow or orange in it. Go the opposite route if you have “warm” undertones. Be sure to match your foundation to your skintone as well.
  • Prime: Use primer before putting on foundation and other makeup to disguise large pores and fine lines. Primer also creates a great base for your makeup to set. Allow the stuff to dry before you continue.
  • Apply: Apply foundation followed by concealer to deal with trouble spots. Refrain from putting the stuff on “with a shovel,” as it looks cakey in photos. Consider using false lashes in addition to your mascara, blush, eyeshadow, and lipstick to look even more amazing in photos (and in real life).

Good luck, and have fun! Think of your wedding day look as an “amped up” version of yourself.
