Q: What Should I Know For My First American Wedding?

Attending your very first American wedding? There isn’t a whole lot to learn about, so fear not. A Catholic wedding is an example of a traditional wedding, particularly a High Mass wedding. The main thing to know about such weddings is that they are…long. Anyhoo, other things to know about American weddings is if you were invited by the bride, you sit on the same side as her family and the rest of her friends. The same is true of the groom. Ushers are usually present to help with the seating.



Again, unless the wedding you are attending is of a particular faith or culture, there is not a whole lot to know about it, especially the reception. Toasts will be said. Dancing will happen. And drinking–lots of drinking.


Feel free to ask about the dress code if necessary, though it will likely be formal. Oh, and one more thing: do not wear white. That is for the bride alone! The bride at the wedding you are attending may opt for a different color, but that is her choice.