Pre-Wedding Hair Care for Every Hair Type

Creating a bridal calendar is one of the most important steps any bride-to-be can take: not only can it help to calm nerves, but it ensures that the finer details are never overlooked. All too often, in between making constant phone calls to venue managers, attending dress fittings and endless bridesmaids meetings, hair care might understandably slip down the priority list. However, incorporating just a few small changes to your usual beauty routine could make all the difference. No matter whether you are planning on having your hair styled up, down or framed with a veil, don’t let anything stop you having glossy, picture-perfect locks on your big day.

Shine, Body, and Definition

When it comes to wedding hair goals, we can all agree on a few things. Shine for days, controlled volume, and a well-defined shape are all a part of showing off healthy, beautifully styled hair. Achieving this for many women is far from simple, but fear not: whether you have a short bob, long fly-away curls or poker-straight tresses, there is a plan of action just for you. By following a few simple rules, you can tailor your own personalized hair care routine so that come the wedding day, there are no nasty surprises.

Curly hair: lock in the shine

The key to managing curly hair can be summed up in one word: moisture. Women with curls are far more likely to suffer on account of dried-out ends than anything else. The solution is simple: from about six months prior to your planned wedding date, try to ensure you use an enrichening formula on your hair at least once a week. Pick one that works for your specific hair type: brands like Schwarzkopf offer easily available deep-conditioning masks that are affordable, effective and target the unique needs of your locks. If you are keeping your curls for your wedding day, we recommend a dry cut the day before to make sure there are no unruly strands.

Straight hair: amp up the volume

Women with straight hair often complain of it being limp and lacking body. This can be changed by opting for a suitable cut and using the right products. Layers help to provide a natural bounce to straight hair, adding movement to otherwise flat sides. Straight hair is also more prone to becoming greasy quickly, as sebum moves down the strands with greater ease. Beat this by using a mild shampoo more frequently, or a dry shampoo on the roots in the mornings. If on the big day you’re planning on having an up-do, try not to over-condition the hair as it will be more manageable if it has a little texture.

Wavy hair: bring back the bounce

Wavy hair offers you the texture and body you want, but it, unfortunately, brings every woman’s worst nightmare along with it: frizz. Manage the flyaways with a little bit of Argan oil or a leave-in conditioner, applied to the middle of the strands through to the ends. When choosing your wedding day style, try to work with your hair’s natural texture as over-processing may leave it prone to drying out by the end of the day. Working with loose, controlled curls also leaves you free to remodel if you want to change the style for the reception. Take inspiration from these amazing examples from to see how you can work with your waves for the ultimate wedding style.