Vintage makeup styles – 1950s and 1960s

As you could observe with your own eyes vintage makeup styles are numerous and they involve several elements involved and throughout the years it has “suffered” several changes of motifs and makeup products involved.

For instance we’ve presented some vintage makeup styles beginning from the 1910s up to 1940s: the classical dark eye shadow around the eyes, voluptuous and well contoured lips, the classical red lip teint and the very popular thin line made with the help of the liquid eyeliner. These elements are very well used in our days as well and are really popular- to be more precise, we think that these will going to be popular always and they look certainly great on complexions.

We continue with some other classical styles that can be observed as being popular in our modern days and we’re sure that you’re going to feel enchanted after you read about these. Bright lipstick was really trendy and en vogue, the pale aspect of the face in combination with this great looking tone is also popular and we’ve been observing it throughout our times as well. The eyebrows were a little bit thicker than usual and highlighted with the help of a darker tone of kohl. The eyes were highlighted with the help of a really natural tone of eye shadow, and a little bit dark in the same time. As for the eyelashes we recommend you to apply extra layers of mascara on the upper ones….
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From the 1950s we jump to the 1960s where there was a tendency towards softer looks and this is done of course throughout the makeup. The makeup foundation used is very natural looking, you can observe natural shades in the cheeks and the eyebrows have natural dimensions: not too thick or too thin. The rest of the makeup is also pretty natural: the eyeshades used are really light and pale in tones and the lips look also natural, with fresh and nude tones of lipstick.

We forgot to mention that the eye shadows used are applied on both the eyelids and highlight the eyes in a gorgeous manner and give a different aspect than the other vintage makeup styles presented up to this moment. You can add a slight dark shadow underneath the arcade and you’re going to obtain a great looking aspect. As a final touch, we recommend you some extra layers of mascara on the upper and inferior eyelashes: this is quite a sensual and cute looking makeup style if you know how to blend the elements indicated by us.

The lip stick used needs to be in a very creamy tone and try to find a natural tone; you can also apply for a nude tone because you won’t fail with it clearly.