Wedding cars and details to keep in mind for the bridal day

The means of transport that you pick for going from your household to the church is indeed essential, in order to have a nice entrance in the event. Besides the walking on the aisle, there will be some other things that mark the moment in which the bride appears in her wedding ceremony. This is why we have taken into consideration the means of transport, because it’s really important to know in what to enter your wedding ceremony as to mesmerize your guests and make sure that everything will remain somewhere in the collective memory.
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Believe it or not, such an aspect is important for completing the event. Lately, more and more couples have taken into consideration the choice of an opulent limousine, but this does not apply for all the couples, think with attention if this is suitable for your wedding style.

The limo

Picking the limousine for the bridal day is not a “wow” element as it used to be. Nowadays it seems to be the most common pick whenever it comes to the means of transport in which brides go to the church. So, think seriously if you want to be a part of the multitude of people who do this. Of course, we do not say that this choice is a dull one, or one that does not create an effect over the attendants and participants to your wedding, yes it will mark your day in a pleasant manner, but there are other possibilities that you can take into consideration for the big day and we’re sure that you are going to want to read about these, before taking a final decision.

wedding cars and details to keep in mind for the bridal dayCredit
Wedding cars and details to keep in mind for the bridal day

The chariot

The chariot led by horses is indeed a romantic idea, but really hard to obtain and sometimes kind of expensive, so think seriously whether or not you want to apply for it. For such a means of transport you have to keep in mind the distance that you have to pass with it and the available space. The messy roads and full of fuss will not permit such a vehicle to walk, and a horse chariot needs more than a parking space.

Surely the chariot will add a plus of romanticism as we have just mentioned and if you pick it in a period or season of the year in which the temperatures are not that high, you will also need a cape for keeping you warm.

Old fashioned cars

So, besides the limousine, you also can pick an ancient car, which will turn out to be more expensive than the first two options that we have offered to you.

Are you interested in an old Bentley car? This is the first question that you have to answer to, before making up your mind on this detail. So, you have to know from the beginning what brand of car or what type are you interested in whenever you want to rent a car for the bridal day. The most indicated way is that of matching the car with the general theme for the wedding day. For example, if the bridal gown is realized in a very modern and contemporary way and you have chosen the location a luxury hotel, you probably do not want to rent a wedding car that is made in the 20s.

If you are not sure of where you want to start from, then search on the internet for numbers of telephone for companies that rent cars for the big day. After you do this, make a call and ask what would be appropriate for your wedding, telling them your details. Depending on what kind of expectations you have and how does your wedding look like, you will receive some recommendations and maybe end up with the appropriate pick for the wedding car win which you end up at your wedding ceremony.

So, you have finally decided on a car for your bridal day, and then you have to take into account some other important aspects. First of all, you have to make sure that the company from which you rent your car has a well known name and it’s famous for the quality of their products. The car has to have insurance in the case in which you have problems with it.

Some of the companies from which your rent your cars are going to make the necessary decorations and they can even offer you a bottle of champagne for marking the moment of you two becoming one! Also, we recommend you to have a backup plan in case your car encounters problems or it suffers accidents.