wedding catering

Early Stages of Wedding Planning – Catering

wedding catering

Hi Everyone,

So here’s the scoop on what I have been up to since my engagement announcement and last month’s blog. Even before I was engaged I was invited to an event in the city where a venue was trying to generate publicity for itself and it was having caterers and a few other vendors co hosting the event. I ended up going with one of my girlfriends. It was actually a lot of fun! The only way I can describe it is it they managed to host the event and showcase the venue along with their vendors without having the flee market madness like some bridal shows. I’m not sure any of you have been to a bridal show but, the shows I’ve been to were hectic. Rows and rows of vendors, people everywhere just grabbing at giveaways for the sake of getting freebies. At this recent event, they had the periphery of the venue lined with caterers so you could sample their food and downstairs they had one vendor from almost every category, so one photographer, one DJ, one even planner etc. It was nice because in the middle of the venue you could mingle and had standing room without feeling like you were blocking someone from accessing a vendor. Very organized, relaxing and enjoyable.

Now lets get to one my favourite parts – the food! We got to sample lots of yummy food, as well as some not so yummy food. I took lots of pictures for you to see. I really feel like presentation is key. You can see which vendors set up a nice display and had a nice presentation of food based on the pictures. My favourite, by far, was a caterer who featured a tuna sashimi dish with apples and pears in a soya ginger sauce. It was so delicious! Other caterers fell flat with food description was very mediocre and didn’t quite match our expectations. My girlfriend sampled a tiramisu that, in her own words, was the best tiramisu she has ever had.  Needless to say I’m keeping that caterers card in a safe place.  It got me thinking – do I want to go with a venue that has an in house caterer or do I want to book a venue where you have to hire a caterer of your choice? I think the latter is more expensive – both in terms of money and also in terms of worry. I’ll probably be concerned about the caterer and the vendor liaise and their ability to make the wedding day  service seamless. I am leaning towards a venue that has in house caterer.  Is anyone else having this dilemma? I’d love to hear your your experience working with an outside caterer and how you came to your decision.



Overall – the venue was beautiful and the location was ideal. My only dilemma is size. We are looking at roughly 250 plus guests and this venue would be at capacity in the 220’s. Is it just me or the larger the guest list, the more limited you are in terms of venues?

So where am I in my planning right now? Well, we haven’t set a date yet and, fortunately. we are flexible enough to know it can be pretty much any time next summer. I am in the process of calling, emailing and reviewing event venues and pricing. My strategy is to book the venue then the ceremony and everything else can come with time.


What strategy did you use? I’d be grateful for any tips offered, so don’t be shy! Comments are welcome.