Different colors of the wedding rings will only put emphasis on your personalities; it will not influence in a bad manner the aspect of your nuptials. You should not hesitate when it comes to this topic, because after all you are different and you have various preferences that are not alike. Besides that, I believe that exactly the fact that you are different got you together and since you love this about one another, you should love the idea of having different colors of wedding rings, too.
Why should you love this idea? Well, simply because the other color, i.e. the color that you wouldn’t like to have on your wedding ring represents your partner and his / her preferences. And since the point of a marriage is to accept a human being with his / her bad and goods, I believe that this minor thing should not stay in the way of your happiness.
Usually women are the ones that find it harder to let go to their ideas. But, at a certain point they will understand that they should not force their groom to wear a piece of jewel (that he doesn’t like) for the rest of his life. Everyone should be allowed to make his / her own choices. Thus, if your partner thinks different and has other things in mind, at least at this thing you should accept to make a compromise.
We understand that if you are very traditional, it is unbearable for you to have something like this on your wedding day. But, to be honest such a modern thing wouldn’t hurt if it would be placed next to your other traditional elements. Thus, surprise everyone by inserting this modern trend of the wedding rings at your wedding ceremony. I’m sure that your wedding guests will find your choice very interesting and innovating. But, if they don’t you shouldn’t bother too much about this thing.

So, combine platinum with silver, or yellow with white gold and thus the both of you will be happy with your life time choices. Okay, maybe we have exaggerated a little, it is perfectly normal to change your wedding bands after a time, in case you have found something more fashionable and beautiful. Thus, do not put a lot of pressure on this thing!