Funky eye makeup

Everybody wants to differ from the other and women usually do this thing through the makeup and the clothes that they’re wearing. Well, we don’t want to start with giving you examples of funky outfits or things like that and we’re certain that you have a general idea concerning this thing, also we would like to offer you some hints concerning the makeup that you can apply for in order to look different from the other ladies who walk on the street; and this is how we decided to have a topic on the funky eye makeup.

The makeup foundation and the concealer are key elements in this type of makeup and we wouldn’t like to mention again and again that you have to apply them firstly on your face and then the other elements, because you already know that don’t you?
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Add a line of pencil eyeliner n the inferior side of your down eyelid. You can play with tones like pink, violet green and blue, you can even use them all with the help of a thin brush. You can add whatever colors you like on your eyelids as long as it is arranged in such a manner that it creates a pleasant visual effect. Over the layers of eye color you may apply for adding a slight line of liquid eyeliner and you’re going to see just how great you’re going to look.

Take the most colorful eye color that you have in the cassette and begin adding it in different corners of your eyes together with other spicy colors and good looking tones in order to create a great looking impression over the eyes. The visual effect is indeed special and if you pay attention to what we recommended in some lines before, then you’re going to end up having some eyes similar to the girl in the picture.

Besides adding different layers of eye color and in different tones, you can also apply for using different lines and contours on your eyes. For instance you can apply for a white eye color and use it in combination with other tones like yellow and blue. Don’t forget the contour also! Use the black eyeliner together with the blue one in order to offer your eyes a great visual look. The last step is for the usage of mascara and you’re definitely going to look funky in the end!

So, use the spicy and shimmering colors in different combinations of rainbow on the superior and the inferior eyelid too. Over it you can apply for using the eye liner. Besides the black eyeliner you can adopt one that is similar in tone with the colors used on your eyes. Indeed it’s a great looking combination and we’re sure that you’re going to end up looking just great with it on your eyes.