French menu

If you prepare for your summer wedding and you’re looking for some elements that compose the menu then you have to know that you can definitely apply for a light menu and in this category there are the foods with French pattern.

It’s tasty, practical and easy to prepare as well as great to digest, the French menu satisfies everybody’s hunger. Here’s the option for your wedding menu, something that we suggest to you and it has a certain way of being followed by each type of food.

French menu
French menu

Let’s start with the first types of food: the sandwich.

It’s simple and in the same time it’s really tasty, in this case we recommend these to be made of white or black bread with salad, tuna, cheese or bacon and they’re a good beginning for starting the party.
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For the ones that are pretentious, but also that are on a diet, these are the favorite ones for everybody.


These are tasty, they have flavor and they’re made on the grill and can be served really great for the start. Of pork meat, chicken or beef, the pieces of meat go very well on a stick with onion, pepper, cucumbers or mushrooms.

French menu
French menu

All of your guests are going to feel enchanted of the idea of eating such food!

There’s also the grilled chicken with potatoes!

It’s crispy, delicious, and just good for being eaten and what could be healthier than this? No matter if we’re speaking about chicken drumsticks for those that prefer the exterior crispy or for the more pretentious ones there’s also the option with the front side of the chicken – these seem more delicious when they’re prepared on the grill. Served with French fries or boiled ones with green stuff over….

Snails in sauce?

Here’s something more special. It’s a dare for starting the feast and making the guests feel like eating more and more. This is indeed a special recipe in which the snails are prepared in their “crust” and they’re really crispy. With a delicious sauce and some slices of bruschetti this dish is going to be eaten by everybody even from the first contact.

French menu 3
French menu

An now that we’re in the area of delicious things to eat, another special of dish, and really delicious in the same time is prepared and made of crabs. Round shapes and fine slices, these sea fruits can be served with French fires and with a spoon of olive oil.

The taste is exquisite. In order to make sure of this matter, you can even try this deish in due time before the wedding day!


It’s very well known that from a wedding you shouldn’t miss placing in the dishes fish. It’s preferable that it’s sweet, without bones and it’s thin. Another equivalent option of this type of dish are the shrimps without shell.