Yellow Bridal Bouquet

Sunshine-Inspired, Yellow Bridal Bouquets

Brighten up the bride or the bridesmaids with a sunshine-inspired bouquet full of yellow florals or accents. Let’s have a look at some beautiful, yellow bride bouquets full of vivaciousness and life.

Yellow Bridal BouquetTextural and fun, we are loving the uniqueness and boldness behind this bouquet.

Yellow Bridal BouquetEven when mixed with creams and whites yellows can create personality and pop!

Yellow Bridal BouquetCalla lillies have a very sophisticated style and when paired with bright, yellow flowers they take on a very bridal but very youthful essence.

Yellow Bridal BouquetThis entire design is full of the life and the sunny yellow addition only enhances that vision.

Yellow Bridal BouquetAdd vibrancy to your more subdued, fall affair by having your ladies adorn themselves with some yellow florals!

Yellow Bridal BouquetA wild flower-inspired arrangement is nothing without the addition of some bright, yellow shades.

Yellow Bridal BouquetSucculents and green texture will look even more beautiful when offset by some yellow accents.

Yellow Bridal BouquetYellow doesn’t have to be harsh either. Instead, it can be delicate and sweet like this design.

Yellow Bridal BouquetThis bouquet looks as if it’s full of little bits of sunshine floating throughout its design.

Yellow Bridal BouquetCalla lillies come in pure shades of yellow too and even with that vibrancy, they’re sophisticated and quite wedding-esque.

photos via SMP