Choosing your wedding party.

Q: “How Do I Choose My Wedding Party?”

6 Rules for Choosing Your Bridal Party

When it comes to your bridal party, you’re allowed to be selfish. This is your wedding, not your childhood friend’s, not your cousin’s, not your college roommate’s, and not your closest co-worker’s.  Stay true and choose those that are truly close to you and that you can rely on.

The members of the bridal party are not just those that you will be celebrating and enjoying your wedding day with, they’re the people who will be bearing responsibilities of wedding preparations and supporting you on one of the most important days of your life. It’s not a role to be bequeathed lightly.

Your bridal party must be:

  • Dependable – If you ask someone in your party to handle a task, you should feel confident they will have it under control. You have enough to worry about without checking up on progress.
  • Organized – A wedding is not a time for sloppy mistakes! Maintaining strict organization will minimize opportunities for error and keep things running smoothly.
  • Part of your life – Those who—despite distance, time, or busy schedules—still remain important in your life are the ones who will continue to be important moving forward in life too. Things will only get busier after you’re married!

There are also elements that are a little hard to judge. It all really comes down to what you want, but here are some things you should feel comfortable considering.

Your bridal party can be:

  • Any gender – Your bridal party doesn’t have to be exclusively female! If you have a cherished friend or family member that is male, you’re more than welcome to include them in your bridal party.
  • Unbalanced – The groomsmen and the bridesmaids don’t need to be equally sized groups. Select those that matter to you and the groom will select those that matter to him. While the group sizes shouldn’t be comically different, a difference of a few people doesn’t matter.
  • Relaxed and fun – Just because your bridal party is there to support you doesn’t mean you should boss them around. You’ve chosen them because they’re your friends. If they are truly the best people to support you, they will work hard to make your day the best it can be. So lighten up and enjoy spending your last single days with your closest friends!

You should never feel obligated to give a spot in your bridal party to anyone you don’t want to. If you’re concerned someone may have their feelings hurt if they’re not included, you can still make them feel like an important part of your day by giving them other roles that will also show how highly you respect them.

Do you have a tricky decision to make about your bridal party? What factors are you considering in making your decision?