Wedding night tips

Probably most of you just can’t wait for the wedding night and think of it as the second best thing in your wedding ceremony. It’s indeed special, you and your husband remain alone and you feel now that you own each other and that nothing can separate the two of you. In the lines to come, you’re going to read about some tips that concern this special night and we hope that you take these into consideration because they will definitely be helpful.

wedding night tips

So, we recommend you as the wife to be sexy not only by the clothes that you’re wearing but also through your attitude. You have to be self confident, although this isn’t the first time that it’s happening, you have some goose bumps.
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Another thing that we would like to mention is that you have to give a touch of romanticism in the things you do. For instance, you can prepare a bubble bath with red rose petals and aromatic oils. This is a thing that will relax both of you and every thing will end up being just fine.

Do we need to mention also that a little bit of alcohol is great too in this context? You may apply for drinks that have aphrodisiac proprieties, or for the classical champagne. Sometimes being tipsy has advantages as well.

wedding night tips 2

Fruits are also aphrodisiacs and can be used for fun or for getting really hot. Mix fruits with cream o chocolate and do body shots. This will be a really exciting thing and you can definitely apply for it in your wedding night.

Music is part of the ambient. You can apply for smooth music that will do nothing else than excite you. You can perform funny dances together, or on the contrary, you can be really sensual and touch each other’s body! It’s really important to feel great in your wedding night and most of all; you have to remember it as if it’s your first night together – although you’ve been so many times before one next to the other in bed.

Some other hints concern surprises. Not everything needs to be planned! Yes, you can apply for surprising your spouse or the other way around. Think of ingenious things and try to spend great moments together. It’s really important how you look at your wedding night. You definitely need to see it as a special thing and thing as if this won’t happen to you every in your life – maybe you won’t get married again – and try to enjoy fully.