4 ideas of colors for the bridal day

The bridal day and the big event in itself should be guided accordingly to some color clichés or wedding themes that you can rely on, in order to end up with a tied ceremony, with elements that link one to the other.

We have browsed for only the finest combinations of colors for your bridal day and we hope that you keep them in mind, maybe take into account one of these examples of color combinations for your wedding to come.

Pink, navy blue and gold

You can consider these colors together as creating a stylish combination that will make the difference for sure. Pink with blue go so nice and the touch of gold will make the imagery complete. For what types of wedding themes can you apply for with these colors at the basis? We were thinking of a spring wedding theme and an elegant wedding theme!

the bridal dayCredit
The bridal day

Purple and yellow

Is your wedding taking place in an open air space? Well, certainly you will need a combination of bright colors to emphasize the joy and the happiness in the air. Orchids, callas and other flowers may come in handy in your flower arrangements!

the bridal dayCredit
The bridal day

Warm tones of champagne for an elegant summer or spring wedding

Also, this tone used in a wedding theme can also bring one with the idea of a winter wedding theme. Another thing to be added is that this warm color will always denote elegance and you are not to fail with it, if you plan on using it. Think of the warmth denoted all around the wedding reception room and on your bridal look as well.

the bridal dayCredit
The bridal day

Our minds go back to open air weddings again

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These are filled with life, as usual, and they denote life and bright colors, but also a touch of black to emphasize the fact that we are speaking about a wedding that is meant to be elegant. So, how about a combination of yellow, pink and black? Of course, not too much black, because the wedding takes place in a garden or backyard, you pick the spot!

the bridal dayCredit
The bridal day

These are the four main color clichés that one can use as a starting point for organizing the wedding reception and not only, for organizing the entire bridal day with all the corresponding elements: the wedding accessories, the bridesmaids dresses, the flower arrangements and the wedding decorations.